
Video per il significato della canzone Together di Elisa

Richiesto da Chiara

Pubblicato 15 maggio 2019

Ultima interpretazione 01 ottobre 2024

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È una canzone potente. Contro la guerra, è conrmtro la dittatura

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Altre canzoni di Elisa


Together here we are
Boy and girl walk alone
Together moving like
Together billions
The soldiers of love
In the dark
Together til one
Will see the light
All the way alone alone
Alone eh eh
But together
We'll always want to be

Rit. Do you wanna keep Safe and keep control Stay Rich with your money and decide for it all
Do you wanna keep Safe and keep control and stay Rich with your money and decide for it all do you

Together the bullets fly
Just like Birds in the Sky
Together we're both paralyzed
Together drop by drop
One by one til ' water Falls
If it's a game
We're supposed to know we're playing
How come some don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know oh oh
And together
Is all they need to be

Rit. Do you wanna keep Safe and keep control and stay Rich with your money and decide for it all
Do you wanna keep Safe and keep control and stay Rich with your money and decide for it all
Do you wanna keep Safe and keep control and stay Rich with your money and decide for it All do you

Do you wanna keep Safe and keep control and stay Rich with your money and decide for it all
Do you wanna keep Safe and keep control and stay Rich with your money and decide for it all do you

Together here we are boys and girls walk alone
Together moving like clouds

Rit: do you wanna keep Safe and keep control and stay Rich with your money and decide for it all
Do you wanna keep Safe and keep control and stay Rich with your money and decide for it all
Do you wanna keep Safe and keep control and stay Rich with your money and decide for it all
Do you wanna keep Safe and keep control and stay Rich with your money and decide for it all do you
Together together
Together together

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