Calm the fire

Video per il significato della canzone Calm the fire di Alter Bridge

Richiesto da Anonimo

Pubblicato 24 ottobre 2013

Non ci sono ancora interpretazioni, lasciane una tu!

Interventi 7 · Visualizzazioni 123 · Annotazioni 0

Altre canzoni di Alter Bridge


    Calm the fire
    Do not fight anymore
    They don’t know what they’re saying
    They don’t know anything at all
    For all that matters is you know
    That this is not their fault

    There are places we should never go
    Lost between the cracks
    Something wicked waits below
    And all I’m saying there are some things
    Better left unseen at all

    It’s been so long
    It’s tearing me apart
    I cannot understand or comprehend
    Where we went wrong
    Though we’ve come so far
    The madness in our hearts will never end

    Cause I’ve seen it all
    I can’t fight it anymore
    The fire burns forevermore
    Is there nothing left to save?

    Cause now more than ever what we need
    Is love to replace all the obscene
    Something good and something beautiful
    If only we could see
    That now more than ever what we need
    Is a little love

    Is there no more?
    Have we gone too far?
    There’s nothing I can do to make you sway

    To see the blood
    Running through our hearts
    No different from the blood we’ve come to hate

    When I close my eyes
    I dream that we are colorblind
    And now you know you can’t deny
    Only ignorance to blame

    Cause now more than ever what we need
    Is love to replace all the obscene
    Something good and something beautiful
    If only we could see
    That now more than ever what we need
    Is a little love

    Now let it calm the fire that burns within your heart tonight
    For some are too blind to see the world as it’s meant to be

    When I close my eyes
    I dream that we are colorblind
    And now you know you can’t deny
    Only ignorance to blame

    Cause now more than ever what we need
    Is love to replace all the obscene
    Something good and something beautiful
    If only we could see
    That now more than ever what we need
    Is a little love

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    La Mia Signorina
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    Sotto casa
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