Video per il significato della canzone Victims di Cultur Club

Richiesto da Sabrina

Pubblicato 20 novembre 2015

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Altre canzoni di Cultur Club


    The victims we know so well
    They shine in your eyes
    When they kiss and tell
    Strange places we never see
    But you're always there
    Like a ghost in my dream
    And I keep on telling you
    Please don't do the things you do
    When you do those things
    Pull my puppet strings
    I have the strangest void for you

    We love and we never tell
    What places our hearts in the wishing well
    Love leads us into the stream
    And it's sink or swim
    Like it's always been
    And I keep on loving you
    It's the only thing to do
    When the angel sings
    There are greater things
    Can I give them all to you

    Pull the strings of emotion
    Take a ride into unknown pleasure
    Feel like a child on a dark night
    Wishing there was some kind of heaven
    I could be warm with you smiling
    Hold out your hand for a while
    The victims we know them so well...

    The victims we know so well
    They shine in your eyes when they kiss and tell
    Strange places we never see
    But you're always there like a ghost in my dream
    And I keep on telling you
    Please don't do the things you do
    When you do those things, pull my puppet strings
    I have the strangest void for you

    Show my heart some devotion
    Push aside those that whisper never
    Feel like a child on a dark night
    Wishing there was some kind of heaven
    I could be warm with you smiling
    Hold out your hand for a while
    The victims we know them so well, so well...

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    Sotto casa di Max Gazzè
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    Anna e Marco
    Anna e Marco di Lucio Dalla
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