
Video per il significato della canzone Lifer di Down

Richiesto da Anonimo

Pubblicato 11 giugno 2014

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    This is Maxwell Melvins, aka 66064
    VP of the Lifers Group, help keeping our membership low
    Now we're gonna give you the real deal

    I wake up every morning in the face of a cop
    Because I used to take the nine and go [3 shots]
    So now I'm in prison and yo, it's like apartheid
    Modernized slavery, straight to the genocide
    Cause see, some punk locked up to get beat down
    Raped down, till his booty is broke down
    Without a sound, the way he was found
    Was in a night gown and his booty was bloody bound
    Mortified, of AIDS he died
    I seen a brother do a suicide because his mother died
    Lost all his pride, and couldn't run and hide
    To be horrified, can you even visualize
    Locked and stocked, no boots to knock
    With every female cop cold sweatin my jock
    But as soon as you push up, they put you in lock-up
    It's like a set-up, and jimmy is fed up

    This is the real deal

    Since '75 or 1990
    Lifers Group's always been behind me
    Doin this time is hard on my mind
    I'm cryin wasted tears for doin these years
    So man in the blue, what must I do?
    Put me behind the bars for breakin two laws
    When I came to prison, I was scared as hell
    A brother came to me, said I looked very swell
    He said I remind him of a fag he sold
    For a pack of cigarettes and a Tootsie Roll
    My heart was poundin, my blood was cold
    But bein a fag wasn't in my soul
    I dropped my lock in a sock
    Beat the fucker down the cell block
    Five C.O.s to me to the hole
    One said, "Knowledge born (we're in control)"

    It's the real deal, sucker

    [Chuck D] (Now they got me in a cell)
    (Go to Rahway Prison)
    [Chuck D] (Five-o said, "Freeze!")

    Bein incarcerated isn't no joke
    The strong survive and the weak get broke
    Just like a bone if they can't hold their own
    And stand strong, they won't last long
    In jail because a cell is hell
    The system smells and the food tastes stale
    So don't be dumb and come, muthafuck crime
    Cause once you cross that line, you're gonna do some time
    Until they give you a date
    But till then, you belong to the state

    Countin the days
    Many ways that my mind has phased
    I's just a haze of black, to be exact
    It's hard to keep track
    Life and death go together forever and ever
    I got a letter of refuse
    Parole board said I ain't paid my dues
    I got the blues
    Still, this is the real deal

    Oof, ( ? ) spoke on the truth
    A nap in the penitentiary, for half a century
    Look through the bars, see the muscles in big shirts
    Give you a week, and you be wearin a wig, jerk
    Thought he was funny, well, chuckle while your knees buckle
    Suddenly the woman inside of you unfolds
    Hmm, somebody played with your butt hole
    Queer of the year, give them gear, you hear
    Plus some new shoes, cause brother, it's bad news
    If you try to play rough, dude
    And watch him fess y'all
    When he step in the mess hall
    Grab a seat to eat, oops you got beat
    Cause it's a hard life without no sharp knife
    You gotta have might to fight just to live your life
    Wanna relax, but they say, "Nah, gee"
    Cause on your spare time you'll be doin laundry

    Cause this is the real deal

    [Chuck D] (Now they got me in a cell)
    (Go to Rahway Prison)
    [Chuck D] (Five-o said, "Freeze!")

    (We ain't no muthafuckas to be proud of
    We have sold the fuck out)

    Six in the morning, all I hear is a bell
    I thought it was a dream, but no, I'm in jail
    Committed a crime and boy, did I fail
    21-7 they got me locked in a cell
    Prisoner, convict, I will destroy ya
    Notorious bank robber, I'm comin for ya
    The bad, the evil, and I will deceive ya
    Inside a penitentiary there is no one equal
    No wrong, no right, and I will kill with a knife
    You wanna come to prison boy, I might take your life
    You're just a vice in my style, so ya better think twice
    Cause I'm annoyed, irritated, and I'm here for a fight
    Everytime I walk around I see another brother with life
    You're just a dumb little idiot and can't see the light
    So keep out the system, stay a man and be free
    If not, young brother, you come here with me

    It's the real deal

    [Chuck D] (Now they got me in a cell)
    (Go to Rahway Prison)
    [Chuck D] (Five-o said, "Freeze!")

    I got banged up, stitched up, shut up, word up
    I'm fed up, I'm doin time in lock-up
    In the hole, handcuffed to a toilet bowl
    I took a fall by the wall, indeed I had to crawl
    And when I got up, I tried to make collect calls
    To the crib, cause I'm doin a bid
    But I wanna leave a message to all the young kids
    Black out, I'm strapped, and I don't smoke crack
    Dopefiends, Dr. King had a dream
    That we would grow up and work together as a team
    Crooks, lock em up by the book
    I'm not buggin and muggin, sellin drugs is forbidden
    Young dumb punks, don't come to Rahway Prison
    Cause the drugs is the enemy, believe me, I'm talkin
    Jail is hell and a cell is a coffin
    Made of steel
    This is the real deal

    (That's how it is in here, man)

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