I won't give up

Video per il significato della canzone I won't give up di Jason Mraz

Richiesto da Anonimo

Pubblicato 21 giugno 2014

Ultima interpretazione 07 dicembre 2020

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secondo me, ha un significato molto profondo. Ovvero che nonostante delle volte tendiamo a cadere, a non riuscire a rialzarci come le stelle seppur brillando cadono per terra, anche chi brilla tende a cadere ma ciò nonostante, non si arrende. 

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Altre canzoni di Jason Mraz


    Are you dancing with your partner, or are you pushing them around?
    Are you begging for attention, or do you love the one you’ve found?
    Are you giving up your Saturdays to waltz all over town?
    Or is everything a jolly holiday with a merry y'all with now

    You could give it all away, give it all and be unstoppable
    All away, everything is really possible, all away
    You never really own it anyway, It’ll all fall in place if you just let go

    Don’t dress up your children like dolls from your past
    Or They’ll run from you madly, they'll never look back
    And when they grow older, they’ll do just the same
    The world’s a reflection of how children play

    Well You could give it all away, give it all and be unstoppable
    All away, gonna make empty meaningful
    You never really own it anyway, It’ll all fall in place if you just let go

    When you’re in the mood, baby
    Hear just what your heart has to say
    When the world is turning topside and turvy then you better hurry back down
    To the bottom of your soul and be loved

    Your word is your access, your mouth is your door
    Let’s slide down inside there, and see what's in store
    In the middle there’s a rhythm picking, it's a freaking hard beat
    At the bottom there’s a lot of water keeping your soul deep

    You could give it all away, give it all and be unstoppable
    All away, everything is really possible, all away
    You never really own it anyway, It’ll all fall in place if you just let go

    When you’re in the mood, baby
    Hear just what your heart has to say
    When the world is turning topside and turvy then you better hurry down
    To the bottom of your soul
    Get down, get it all, and be loved

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