I surrender

Video per il significato della canzone I surrender di Celine Dion

Richiesto da Anonimo

Pubblicato 22 giugno 2014

Ultima interpretazione 19 settembre 2015

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There's so much life

I've left to live

And this fire's burning still

When I watch you look at me

I think I could find a will

To stand for every dream

And forsake this solid ground

And give up this fear within

Of what would happen if they ever knew

I'm in love with you

'Cause I'd surrender everything

To feel the chance, to live again

I reach to you

I know you can feel it too

We'd make it through

A thousand dreams I still believe

I'd make you give them all to me

I'd hold you in my arms

and never let go

I surrender

I know

I can't survive another night

away from you

You're the reason I go on

And now I need to live the truth

Right now,

there's no better time

From this fear, I will break free

And I'll live again with love

And no they can't take that away from me

And they will see... yeah

(I'd surrender everything)

To feel the chance, to live again

I reach to you

I know you can feel it too

We'd make it through

A thousand dreams I still believe

I'll make you give them all to me

I'll hold you in my arms

and never let go

I surrender

Every night's gettin' longer

And this fire

is getting stronger baby

I'll swallow my pride

And I'll be alive

Can't you hear my call?

I surrender all...

(I'll surrender everything)

(To feel the chance, to live again)

I reach to you

I know you can feel it too

We'll make it through

A thousand dreams I still believe

I'll make you give them all to me

I'll hold you in my arms

and never let go

I surrender

Right here, right now

I'd give my life to live again

I'll break free

Take me, my everything

I surrender all to you

(Right now)

Right now

(I'd give my life to live again)

I'd give my life

(I'll break free, Take me)

Take me, take me

(my everything)

My everything

(I surrender all to you, right now)

Right now

(I'd give my life to live again)

I'd give my life to you baby

I'll break free, yeah free

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