Richiesto da Anonimo
Pubblicato 25 giugno 2014
Ultima interpretazione 25 settembre 2016
Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0
Caricamento dei sotto commenti in corso...
Son, she said, have I got a little story for you
What you thought was your daddy was nothin' but a...
While you were sittin' home alone at age thirteen
Your real daddy was dyin'
Sorry you didn't see him
But I'm glad we talked
Oh, I, oh, I'm still alive
Hey, I, oh, I'm still alive
Hey, I, oh, I'm still alive
Hey, oh
Oh, she walks slowly, across a young man's room
She said I'm ready for you
I can't remember anything to this very day
'Cept the look, the look
Oh, you know where
Now, I can't see, I just stare
I, I'm still alive
Hey, I, but, I'm still alive
Hey, I, boy, I'm still alive
Hey, I, oh, I'm still alive, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
"Is something wrong?", she said
Of course there is
"You're still alive", she said
Oh, but do I deserve to be?
Is that the question?
And if so, if so, who answers? Who answers?
I, oh, I'm still alive
Hey, I, oh, I'm still alive
Hey, I, but, I'm still alive
Yeah, I, oh, I'm still alive
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Wow, uh-huh
Yeah, uh-huh
Oh, ow, uh-huh
Yeah, uh-huh
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
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