Video per il significato della canzone Heroin di Velvet Underground

Richiesto da Anonimo

Pubblicato 30 ottobre 2013

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Altre canzoni di Velvet Underground


    I don't know just where I'm going
    But I'm gonna try for the kingdom, if I can
    'Cause it makes me feel like I'm a man
    When I put a spike into my vein

    And I'll tell ya, things aren't quite the same
    When I'm rushing on my run
    And I feel just like Jesus' son
    And I guess that I just don't know
    And I guess that I just don't know

    I have made the big decision
    I'm gonna try to nullify my life
    'Cause when the blood begins to flow
    When it shoots up the dropper's neck
    When I'm closing in on death
    And you can't help me not, you guys

    And all you sweet girls
    With all your sweet silly talk
    You can all go take a walk
    And I guess that I just don't know
    And I guess that I just don't know

    I wish that I was born a thousand years ago
    I wish that I'd sail the darkened seas
    On a great big clipper ship
    Going from this land here to that
    In a sailor's suit and cap away from the big city

    Where a man can not be free
    Of all of the evils of this town
    And of himself, and those around
    Oh, and I guess that I just don't know
    Oh, and I guess that I just don't know

    Heroin, be the death of me
    Heroin, it's my wife and it's my life
    Because a mainer to my vein
    Leads to a center in my head
    And then I'm better off and dead
    Because when the smack begins to flow

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    Maracaibo di Lu Colombo
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