Every breath you take (official video)

Video per il significato della canzone Every breath you take (official video) di The Police

Richiesto da Ritadaniela

Pubblicato 26 novembre 2020

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Altre canzoni di The Police


    Every breath you take and every move you make
    Every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you
    Every single day and every word you say
    Every game you play, every night you stay, I'll be watching you
    Oh, can't you see you belong to me
    How my poor heart aches with every step you take
    Every move you make, and every vow you break
    Every smile you fake, every claim you stake, I'll be watching you
    Since you've gone I've been lost without a trace
    I dream at night, I can only see your face
    I look around but it's you I can't replace
    I feel so cold and I long for your embrace
    I keep crying, "Baby, baby, please"
    Oh, can't you see you belong to me
    How my poor heart aches with every step you take
    Every move you make and every vow you break
    Every smile you fake, every claim you stake, I'll be watching you
    Every move you make, every step you take, I'll be watching you
    I'll be watching you
    Every breath you take and every move you make
    Every bond you break, every step you take (I'll be watching you)
    Every single day, every word you say
    Every game you play, every night you stay (I'll be watching you)
    Every move you make, every vow you break
    Every smile you fake, every claim you stake (I'll be watching you)
    Every single day, every word you say
    Every game you play, every night you stay (I'll be watching you)
    Every breath you take, every move you make
    Every bond you break, every step you take (I'll be watching you)
    Every single day, every word you say
    Every game you play, every night you stay (I'll be watching you)
    Every move you make, every vow you break
    Every smile you fake, every claim you stake (I'll be watching you)
    Every single day, every word you say
    Every game you play, every night you stay (I'll be watching you)

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