This charming man

Video per il significato della canzone This charming man di The Smith

Richiesto da Silvia

Pubblicato 04 settembre 2014

Ultima interpretazione 19 novembre 2019

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Ciao followerrrzzz come state?
Non si capisce la fine. 
Chi è il "jumped-up pantry boy" che dice "return the ring"? Chi si è sposato con chi?
Who knows so much about these things?

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Altre canzoni di The Smith


    Punctured bicycle on a hillside desolate
    Will nature make a man of me yet?
    When in this charming car
    This charming man

    Why pamper life's complexity
    When the leather runs smooth
    On the passenger seat?

    I would go out tonight
    But I haven't got a stitch to wear
    This man said, "It's gruesome
    That someone so handsome should care"

    A jumped-up pantry boy who never knew his place
    He said, "Return the rings"
    He knows so much about these things
    He knows so much about these things

    I would go out tonight
    But I haven't got a stitch to wear
    This man said, "It's gruesome
    That someone so handsome should care"
    This charming man
    This charming man

    Ah, a jumped-up pantry boy who never knew his place
    He said, "Return the ring"
    He knows so much about these things
    He knows so much about these things
    He knows so much about these things

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