Jet set

Video per il significato della canzone Jet set di Fedez

Richiesto da delfinia

Pubblicato 27 marzo 2015

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Baby, cool your jets is what I say
When crazy eyes are shot my way
I need a fix and I need one quick
You know the things that make me tick

Yeah I wanna breathe and I'm on my knees
'Cause I need some breathing room!

Baby, cool your jets is what I say
The consequence is what you'll pay
Behind my back you play your tricks
You know the things that make me sick

Yeah I wanna breathe and I'm on my knees
'Cause I need some breathing room!
Yeah I wanna breathe, beggin' darlin' please
'Cause I need some breathin' room!

Calling off all bets
'Til you cool your jets
Baby, cool your jets

Baby, cool your jets is what I say
It never had to end this way
Killing the vibe when you up and quit
I'm glad you're gone but you will be missed

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