Wintertime love

Video per il significato della canzone Wintertime love di The Doors

Richiesto da Giuseppe

Pubblicato 02 agosto 2014

Ultima interpretazione 02 agosto 2014

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0

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On a cold day, nothing's gonna stop us
'Cause on a cold day, you can see forever
On a cold day, nothing's gonna stop us
'Cause on a cold day, you can walk through metal

In a brick yard, we'll be making babies
In a brick yard, it's raining up in heaven
Solid gold now, nothing's gonna stop us
Solid gold now, solid, solid gold

A man can be happy with the weather
As long as he doesn't love her

Snow will fall, be a storm, there's nowhere warm
To run and hide
Wintertime is a razor blade the devil made
It's the price we pay for the summertime

In a brick yard, we'll be making babies
In a brick yard, it's raining up in heaven
Solid gold now, nothing's gonna stop us
Solid gold now, solid, solid gold

A man can be happy with the weather
As long as he doesn't love her

Snow will fall, be a storm, there's nowhere warm
To run and hide
Wintertime is a razor blade the devil made
It's the price we pay for the summertime

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