The Dope Show

Video per il significato della canzone The Dope Show  di Marilyn Manson

Richiesto da Francesco Piselli

Pubblicato 02 maggio 2013

Ultima interpretazione 17 ottobre 2017

Interventi 3 · Visualizzazioni 465 · Annotazioni 0

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The drugs they say
Make us feel so hollow
We love in vain
Narcissistic and so shallow
The cops and queers
To swim you have to swallow
Hate today
No love for tomorrow

We're all stars now in the dope show
We're all stars now in the dope show

There's lots of pretty, pretty ones
That want to get you high
But all the pretty, pretty Ones
Will leave you low
And blow your mind

We're all stars now in the dope show
We're all stars now in the dope show

They love you when you're on all the covers
When you're not then they love another
They love you when you're on all the covers
When you're not then they love another¨

The drugs they say
Are made in California
We love your face
We'd really like to sell you
The cops and queers
Make good-looking models
I hate today
Who will I wake up with tomorrow?

There's lots of pretty, pretty Ones
That want to get you high
But all the pretty, pretty Ones
Will leave you low
And blow your mind
They love you when you're on all the covers
When you're not then they love another
They love you when you're on all the covers
When you're not then they love another

There's lots of pretty, pretty Ones
That want to get you high
But all the pretty, pretty Ones
Will leave you low
And blow your mind
They'll blow your mind

We're all stars now in the dope show
We're all stars now in the dope show

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