That's the way it is

Video per il significato della canzone That's the way it is di Celine Dion

Richiesto da Mariapina Cristofaro

Pubblicato 16 ottobre 2015

Ultima interpretazione 16 ottobre 2015

Interventi 2 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0

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I can read your mind
And I know your story
I see what you're going through, yeah
It's an uphill climb
And I'm feeling sorry
But I know it will come to you, yeah
Don't surrender
'Cause you can win
In this thing called love
When you want it the most
There's no easy way out
When you're ready to go
And your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

When you question me
For a simple answer
I don't know what to say, no
But it's plain to see
If you stick together
You're gonna find the way, yeah
So don't surrender
'Cause you can win
In this thing called love

When you want it the most
There's no easy way out
When you're ready to go
And your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

That's the way it is
When life is empty,
With no tomorrow,
And loneliness starts to call
Baby don't worry
Forget your sorrow
'Cause love's gonna conquer it all, all

When you want it the most
There's no easy way out
When you're ready to go
And your heart's left in doubt
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it

(And that's the way it is
When you want it the most
There's no easy way out
When you're ready to go
And your heart's left to doubt)

Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is
Don't give up on your faith
Love comes to those who believe it
And that's the way it is

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