Tasce piene

Video per il significato della canzone Tasce piene di Ntò

Richiesto da Nello Mari

Pubblicato 22 gennaio 2015

Non ci sono ancora interpretazioni, lasciane una tu!

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well, I am full of something
something heavy, something dreamy
I am full of something
and it wants to get out
it wants to get out

and I know that it’s easy to forget all about it
when you got your friends and your job and everything demands attention
then it’s easy to forget
that I am full of something that wants to get out it wants to get out

honest. honestly, this circus is not for me
And oh, honest, honestly.

well, I am not the host, or the lion tamer,
and I don’t walk tightropes.
I’m not the acrobat or the clown just traveling traveling traveling traveling around
I’m quitting the circus I’m leaving that’s it. I quit
I’m quitting the circus I’m leaving that’s it. I quit

honest. honestly
this circus is not for me
and oh, honest honestly
This circus is not for me
honestly, honestly... this circus is not for me...

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