Video per il significato della canzone Susanna di Adriano Celentano

Richiesto da anonimo

Pubblicato 21 novembre 2013

Ultima interpretazione 13 novembre 2022

Interventi 5 · Visualizzazioni 56 · Annotazioni 0

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Excuse me
For taking up your precious time.

I'm sorry,
But I've got something off my mind.

I know that
You have found somebody new.

They tell me,
He is a special kind of fool,
Easy to lie to?
And though you gonna miss me in bed
He'll do instead,
He'll do instead.

Excuse me,
Your fasten made me with your chance.

I'm sorry,
You're no longer in my arms.

You sit there
And smoke your crazy cigarette

How and when you gonna rap.
This new arrival
Was dead to come upon for the scene
Live in her dream
Live in her dream

I know it's time to loose,
I know it's time to win
And I wish that you could stay a little longer.
Tomorrow's win we'll do
I will miss every scene.
Meet me with a feeling getting stronger.

Please stay a little longer now,
Stay a little longer…

You sit there
And smoke your crazy cigarette,

How and when you gonna rap.
This new arrival
Was dead to come upon the scene
Live in her dream,
Live in her dream.

I know it's time to loose
I know it's time to win
And I wish that you would stay a little longer.
Tomorrow's win will do
Away it's
Meet me with a feeling getting stronger

Please stay a little longer now,
Stay a little longer,
Stay a little longer now.
Please stay a little longer…

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