Stay with me

Video per il significato della canzone Stay with me di Sam Smith

Richiesto da Anna Adele Penna

Pubblicato 18 gennaio 2015

Ultima interpretazione 07 luglio 2020

Interventi 3 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0

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Let's all go out and have some fun
We'll go to the beach and get fucked up
We'll stay out late into the night
We'll fuck shit up and look for fights
Oh, come on!

Let's all go in a corner store
We'll drink a forty then some more
We'll stay out late into the night
Then fuck shit up and look for fights
Come on!

We're sober now, we had some fun
We'll go to the beach and get fucked up
We'll stay out late into the night
We'll fuck shit up and look for fights
Put away your bottle and look tight
Cuz night will take away your life

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