Video per il significato della canzone Starman di David Bowie

Richiesto da Francesco piselli

Pubblicato 02 maggio 2013

Ultima interpretazione 08 maggio 2020

Interventi 7 · Visualizzazioni 754 · Annotazioni 0

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Didn't know what time it was, the lights were low
I leaned back on my radio
Some cat was layin' down some rock 'n' roll, "Lotta soul," he said
Then the loud sound did seem to fade
Came back like a slow voice on a wave of phase
That weren't no DJ, that was hazy cosmic jive

There's a starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
He told me
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie

I had to phone someone, so I picked on you
Hey, that's far out, so you heard him, too
Switch on the TV, we may pick him up on Channel Two
Look out your window, I can see his light
If we can sparkle, he may land tonight
Don't tell your papa or he'll get us locked up in fright

There's a starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile

He told me
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie

Starman waiting in the sky
He'd like to come and meet us
But he thinks he'd blow our minds
There's a starman waiting in the sky
He's told us not to blow it
'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile

He told me
Let the children lose it
Let the children use it
Let all the children boogie

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