Our lives

Video per il significato della canzone Our lives di The Calling

Richiesto da Qualcuno

Pubblicato 28 febbraio 2013

Ultima interpretazione 28 febbraio 2013

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 377 · Annotazioni 0

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She's wanted for
Her life can change
Her voice is soft but it
Hides her age
She's all alone
No one else to blame

Well She's Calling Out
From the safety net
Leaving behind all the
Shame and regret
And she's screaming out
Let me out of here

Patiently waiting for her time
Always the last one to join the line
Life can be unkind, you can't rewind

She'll take a stand
Make a plan
I'm getting all the things
In life she never had
And she's moving on
Finding her own way

Patiently waiting for her time
Always the last one to join the line
Life can be unkind, you can't rewind

You can't rewind

She said her goodbyes
To yesterday
Food on the table
And a decent pay
She's who she wants to be
Got everything she needs

She's found her way
Back from the edge
Her life is claimed
Back from the dead
She'll never fall
Down like that again

Patiently waiting for her time
Always the last one to join the line
Life can be unkind, you can't rewind

You can't rewind [x2]

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