Ordinary love

Video per il significato della canzone Ordinary love di U2

Richiesto da Rocco Daniele Zito

Pubblicato 06 gennaio 2014

Ultima interpretazione 14 giugno 2022

Interventi 3 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0

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The sea wants to kiss the golden shore
The sunlight warms your skin
All the beauty that's been lost before
Wants to find us again

I can't fight you anymore
It's you I'm fighting for
The sea throws rock together
But time leaves us polished stones

We can't fall any further
If we can't feel ordinary love
We cannot reach any higher
If we can't deal with ordinary love

Birds fly high in the summer sky
And rest on the breeze
The same wind will take care of you and
I will build our house in the trees

Your heart is on my sleeve
Did you put there with a magic marker
For years I would believe
That the world couldn't wash it away

'Cause we can't fall any further
If we can't feel ordinary love
We cannot reach any higher
If we can't deal with ordinary love

Are we tough enough
For ordinary love

We can't fall any further
If we can't feel ordinary love
We cannot reach any higher
If we can't deal with ordinary love

We can't fall any further
If we can't feel ordinary love
We cannot reach any higher
If we can't deal with ordinary love

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