Never say never

Video per il significato della canzone Never say never di Justin Bieber

Richiesto da anonimo

Pubblicato 17 novembre 2013

Ultima interpretazione 17 novembre 2013

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 71 · Annotazioni 0

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I'm here.
I'm so fucking hot.

How 'bout a real man.
You need a real man.
You'd like a real man.
It takes a real man.

How 'bout a real man.
You need a real man.
You'd like a real man.
It takes a real man.

The world is mine, so fucking hot.
I never stop as long as I can feel your love.
I'm making moves around the pole.
I take it off like I would never lose control.

The world is yours.
You're fucking hot.
Open your mind, we've gonna take it to the top.
Tonight's your night.
Stand up and shout.
Go while you crazy party on just let it out.

I'm not Justin Bieber, bitch
I'm not Justin Bieber, bitch
I'm not Justin Bieber, bitch

The world is mine, so fucking hot.
I never stop as long as I can feel your love.
I'm making moves around the pole.
I take it off like I would never lose control.

The world is yours.
You're fucking hot.
Open your mind, we've gonna take it to the top.
Tonight's your night.
Stand up and shout.
Go wild and crazy party wild and steady hard.

I'm not Justin Bieber, bitch
I'm not Justin Bieber, bitch
I'm not Justin Bieber, bitch

How 'bout a real man.
You need a real man.
You'd like a real man.
It takes a real man.

How 'bout a real man.
You need a real man.
You'd like a real man.
It takes a real man.

How 'bout a real man.
You need a real man.
You'd like a real man.
It takes a real man..

I'm not Justin Bieber, bitch

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