Love me again

Video per il significato della canzone Love me again di John Newman

Richiesto da anonimo

Pubblicato 14 agosto 2013

Ultima interpretazione 30 agosto 2022

Interventi 3 · Visualizzazioni 739 · Annotazioni 0

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Know I've done wrong; left your heart torn
Is that what devils do?
Took you so low, where only fools go
I shook the angel in you
Now I'm risin' from the ground, risin' up to you
Filled with all the strength I found, there's nothin' I can't do

I need to know now, know now, can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now, can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now, can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now, can you love me again?

(Can you love me again?)

It's unforgivable; I stole and burnt your soul
Is that what demons do?
They rule the worst in me, destroy everythin'
They bring down angels like you
Now I'm risin' from the ground, risin' up to you
Filled with all the strength I found, there's nothin' I can't do


I need to know now, know now, can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now, can you love me again?


(Can you love me again?)

Oh, I told you once; I can't do this again, do this again, oh no
I told you once; I can't do this again, do this again, oh no

I need to know now, know now, can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now, can you love me again?
I need to know now, know now, can you love me again?

Can you love me again?
Can you love me again? (Oh no)
Can you love me again?

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