Laura palmer

Video per il significato della canzone Laura palmer di Bastille

Richiesto da anonimo

Pubblicato 23 agosto 2013

Ultima interpretazione 20 gennaio 2014

Interventi 3 · Visualizzazioni 496 · Annotazioni 0

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Walking out into the dark
Cutting out a different path
Lead by your beating heart

All the people of the town
Cast their eyes right to the ground
In matters of the heart

The night was all you had
You ran into the night from all you had
Found yourself a path upon the ground
You ran into the night; you can't be found


This is your heart
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
Pumps through your veins
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?

Summer evening breezes blew
Drawing voices deep from you
Lead by your beating heart

What a year and what a night
What terrifying final sights
Put out your beating heart

The night was all you had
You ran into the night from all you had
Found yourself a path upon the ground
You ran into the night; you can't be found


This is your heart
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
Pumps through your veins
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?

If you had your gun would you shoot it at the sky, why?
To see where it would fall or will you come down at all?
If you had your gun would you shoot it at the sky, why?
To see where your bullet would fall or will you come down at all?

This is your heart
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
Pumps through your veins
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?

This is your racing heart
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
Pumps through your veins
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?

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