Kissing you goodbye

Video per il significato della canzone Kissing you goodbye di The Used

Richiesto da Andrea Masci

Pubblicato 05 settembre 2013

Ultima interpretazione 11 settembre 2013

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 150 · Annotazioni 0

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Cut yourself in conversation
Cut the line to make me feel alive
'Cuz you know I'm not alive

And leave me with your complications
Take your life, you feel like taking mine
Meeting god we stand in line, not alone

No, where to go, I'm not leaving
Not going, I'm not kissing you goodbye
On my own, I'm nothing
Just bleeding, I'm not kissing you goodbye

Trust to take the right to leave me
Waiting under dark clouds for the rain
Praying lightning strikes a change
As history gets lost and
As I took that final breath I felt alive
Meeting god to stand in line, all alone

No, where to go, I'm not leaving
Not going, I'm not kissing you goodbye
On my own, I'm nothing
Just bleeding, I'm not kissing you goodbye

Don't let me go, don't say good bye
'Cuz know that I'm not alive
Don't let me go, don't say good bye
Don't let this die
Don't let me go, don't say good bye
'Cuz know that I'm not alive
Don't let me go, don't say good bye
Don't let this die

No, where to go, I'm not leaving
Not going, I'm not kissing you goodbye
On my own, I'm nothing
Just bleeding, I'm not kissing you goodbye

I'm not kissing you goodbye
I'm not kissing you goodbye

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