Video per il significato della canzone King di Lauren Aquilina

Richiesto da anonimo

Pubblicato 18 novembre 2013

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Those hardest to love need it most
I watched our bodies turn to ghosts
Such good friends, it has to end it always does
That's the way life is
Do we take that risk?

And so it all boils down to this
We've got our aim but we might miss
We are too fragile just to guess
And I've been in this place before
Fine as we are but we want more
That's human nature at its best

What if we ruin it all, and we love like fools?
And all we have we lose?
I don't want you to go but I want you so
So tell me what we choose

Friends, I watched us as we changed
The feelings in my headspace rearranged
I want you more than I've wanted anyone
Isn't that dangerous?

The anticipation before the kiss
Mirrored in my shaking lips
Oh god I feel so unprepared
The two of us so out of place
My feelings written on my face
Got what I want but now I'm scared

What if we ruin it all, and we love like fools?
And all we have we lose?
I don't want you to go but I want you so
So tell me what
Tell me what we choose
What we choose
What we choose

What if we ruin it all, and we love like fools?
And all we have we lose?
I don't want you to go but I want you so
So tell me what
Tell me what
Tell me what we choose

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