Invisible touch

Video per il significato della canzone Invisible touch di Genesis

Richiesto da Alessandro67

Pubblicato 23 settembre 2015

Ultima interpretazione 23 settembre 2015

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0

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Well I've been waiting, waiting here so long
But thinking nothing, nothing could go wrong, but now I know she has a built in ability
To take everything she sees
And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her.

She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
She reaches in, grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart.

I don't really know her, I only know her name
But she crawls under your skin, you're never quite the same, and now I know
She's got something you just can't trust
It's something mysterious
And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her.

She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
She reaches in, grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart.

She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
She reaches in, grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart

She don't like losing, to her it's still a game
Though she'll mess up your life, you'll want her just the same, now I know she has a built in ability
To take everything she sees
And now it seems I've fallen, fallen for her.

She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
She reaches in, grabs right hold of your heart
She seems to have an invisible touch yeah
It takes control and slowly tears you apart

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