I want you back

Video per il significato della canzone I want you back di Jackson 5

Richiesto da Alessandro67

Pubblicato 25 settembre 2015

Ultima interpretazione 25 settembre 2015

Interventi 2 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0

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When I had you to myself, I didn't want you around
Those pretty faces always make you stand out in a crowd
But someone picked you from the bunch, one glance is all it took
Now it's much too late for me to take a second look
Oh baby, give me one more chance
(To show you that I love you)
Won't you please let me back to your heart
Oh darlin', I was blind to let you go
(Let you go, baby)
But now since I see you in his arms
(I want you back)
Oh I do now (I want you back)
Ooh ooh baby(I want you back)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah (I want you back)
Trying to live without your love is one long sleepness night
Let me show you, girl, that I know wrong from right
Every street you walk on, I leave tear stains on the ground
Following the girl I didn't even want around
Let me tell ya now
Oh baby, all I need is one more chance
(To show you that I love you)
Won't you please let me back to your heart
Oh darlin', I was blind to let you go
(Let you go, baby)
But now since I see you in his arms
It's all I want... It's all I need...
It's all I want! It's all I need!
Oh, just one more chance
To show you that I love you
Baby baby baby baby baby baby!
(I want you back)
Forget what happened then
(I want you back)
And let me live again!

Oh baby, I was blind to let you go
But now since I see you in his arms
(I want you back)
Spare me of this cost
(I want you back)
Give me back what I lost!
Oh baby, I need one more chance, hah
I'd show you that I love you
Baby, oh! Baby, oh! Baby, oh!
I want you back!
I want you back!

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