I got you

Video per il significato della canzone I got you di James Brown

Richiesto da Martina

Pubblicato 28 settembre 2014

Ultima interpretazione 16 settembre 2015

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0

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You come home late from work, baby
You wonder why it ain't on the table
After the day that I've had
I don't believe I'm able

You give me every little reason in the book
But there's one thing that I think you've overlooked
You say you're tired, well so am I
Baby you've got to try and

Meet halfway or we ain't gonna make it, baby
Meet halfway if you want to get it right
Meet halfway cause I ain't gonna take it, baby
Meet halfway in the middle of the night
Our love is kind of stalled, baby
But it ain't about the sex
I'd trade the roses and the negligees
If we could just connect
I go deeper when you look into my eyes

There's a place where neither one of us can hide
And it's up to us to reinvent the game
Love it when you call my name and

Meet halfway, ain't no doubt about it, baby
Meet halfway, and we're halfway home
Meet halfway, got to scream and shout it, baby
Meet me halfway and I'll shake you to the bone

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