Hearts To Lend

Video per il significato della canzone Hearts To Lend di My awesome Mixtape

Richiesto da Francesco Piselli

Pubblicato 02 maggio 2013

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Bip Bam
I don't mind, bein' a good neighbor
Lending my friends, a helpin' hand
I don't mind, doin' them a favor
Just as long as I don't include my man
'Cause a moment, I can't live without
People to help you, ya don't pay me back

I give you everything I got
As long as you understand, that I
Just don't lend my man, don't lend my man

You might say, I'm old fashioned
You might say I'm livin', livin' in hell
I ain't knockin', nobody else's pain
But that man's swappin', everythin' I had
You lovin' up your heart,
Keep my cloak deep in my heart
But when you're talkin bout using my man, girl
You're gonna look too far

I'll do anything for you,
Anything that I can
But I, just don't lend my man,
Don't lend my man

I'm a fool, I don't mind
See I know everybody needs
A little help some time
When you start talkin',
'bout worryin' where my love bounds
Girl, girl, ya don't love me wrong

I'll lend anything I got,
As long as you understand
That I, just don't lend my man
I don't lend my man
Borrow my booze, don't lend my man
Borrow my car, I don't lend my man
Borrow my money, I don't lend my man
Borrow my clothes

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