December song

Video per il significato della canzone December song di George Michael

Richiesto da Stefano Parigi

Pubblicato 02 dicembre 2014

Ultima interpretazione 21 settembre 2015

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Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
May your every New Year dream come true
Sweet December song
The melody that saved me
On those less than silent nights
When snow would fall upon my bed
White sugar from Jesus
And take me to the day
She could always smile
The Virgin Child would always show, you see
Just to save me
(Just to save me)
There was always Christmas time
To wipe the year away
I guess that morning they'd decided
That the war would have to wait
There was always Christmas time
Jesus came to stay
I could believe in peace on Earth
And I could watch TV all day
So I dreamed of Christmas
Maybe since you've gone
I went a little crazy

God knows they can see (the child)
But the snow that falls upon my bed
That loving I needed
Falls every single day
For each and every child
The Virgin smiles for all to see
But you kept her from me
There was always Christmas time
To wipe the year away
I guess that morning they'd decided
That the war would have to wait
There was always Christmas time
Jesus came to stay
I could believe in peace on Earth
And I could watch TV all day
And so I dreamed of Christmas
Yes, I dreamed like you
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
May your every New Year dream come true

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