
Video per il significato della canzone Clarity di Zeed

Richiesto da Federico Cardone

Pubblicato 25 aprile 2014

Ultima interpretazione 25 aprile 2014

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0

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Moment of clarity
I am willing to suffer,
To bleed-to die for the things i care about
But it's like kissing the lips of my dead love-
Like touching her dead cold white skin

I choose to look back-
To see myself
I never wanted to hurt you again
I choose to look back-
To see myself
I never wanted to loose you again

I have been here before,ground zero
The past is a gaping hole

My only chance is to turn around and face it
I choose to look back to see myself-
For her love
For her heart
For her trust
For her love i'm reborn…

I choose to look back-
To see myself
I never wanted to hurt you again
I choose to look back-
To see myself
I never wanted to loose you again

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