Calling you

Video per il significato della canzone Calling you di Jevetta Steel

Richiesto da Rosanna

Pubblicato 07 marzo 2015

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A desert road from vegas to nowhere
Some place better than where you've been
A coffee machine that needs some fixing
In a little café just around the bend

I am calling you
Can't you hear me?
I am calling you

A hot dry wind blows right through me
The baby's crying and I can't sleep
But we both know a change is coming
Coming closer sweet release

I am calling you
I know you hear me
I am calling you

I am calling you
I know you hear me
I am calling you

A desert road from vegas to nowhere
Some place better than where you've been
A coffee machine that needs some fixing
In a little café just around the bend

A hot dry wind blows right through me
The baby's crying and I can't sleep
And I can feel a change is coming
Coming closer sweet release

I am calling you
Can't you hear me?
I am calling you

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