
Video per il significato della canzone Budapest di George Ezra

Richiesto da Giulia

Pubblicato 26 aprile 2014

Ultima interpretazione 26 aprile 2014

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0

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My house in Budapest
My hidden treasure chest
Golden grand piano
My beautiful Castillo

For you
I'd leave it all

My acres of a land
I have achieved
It may be hard for you to
Stop and believe

But for you
I'd leave it all

For you
I'd leave it all

Give me one good reason
Why I should never make a change
And baby if you hold me
Then all of this will go away

My many artifacts
The list goes on
If you just say the words
I'll up and run

Oh, to you
I'd leave it all

To you
I'd leave it all

Give me one good reason
Why I should never make a change
And baby if you hold me
Then all of this will go away

Give me one good reason
Why I should never make a change
And baby if you hold me
Then all of this will go away

My friends and family
They, don't understand
They fear they'd lose so much
If, you took my hand

But, for you
I'd lose it all

For you
I'd lose it all

Give me one good reason
Why I should never make a change
And baby if you hold me
Then all of this will go away

Give me one good reason
Why I should never make a change
And baby if you hold me
Then all of this will go away

My house in Budapest
My hidden treasure chest
Golden grand piano
My beautiful Castillo

I'd leave it all

Oh for you
I'd leave it all

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