Video per il significato della canzone Atlas di Coldplay

Richiesto da Stefano

Pubblicato 19 ottobre 2013

Ultima interpretazione 27 febbraio 2014

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 162 · Annotazioni 0

Non ci sono annotazioni per questa canzone


Some saw the sun
Some saw the smoke
Some heard the gun
Some bent the bow

Sometimes the wire must tense for the note
Caught in the fire, say oh
We're about to explode

Carry your world, I'll carry your world
Carry your world, I'll carry your world

Some far away
Some search for gold
Some dragon to slay
Heaven we hope is just up the road
Show me the way Lord, because I am about to explode

Carry your world, I'll carry your world
Carry your world, I'll carry your world
Call your world and all your hurt

Carry your world, I'll carry your world

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