Without You (From Mariah Carey (Live))

Video per il significato della canzone Without You (From Mariah Carey (Live)) di Mariah Carey

Richiesto da Ritadaniela

Pubblicato 13 aprile 2021

Ultima interpretazione 09 gennaio 2023

Interventi 3 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0

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No I can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
You always smile, but in your eyes
Your sorrow shows
Yes, it shows
No I can't forget tomorrow
When I think of all my sorrow
When I had you there but then I let you go
And now it's only fair that I should let you know
What you should know
I can't live
If living is without you
I can't live
I can't give anymore
I can't live
If living is without you
I can't give
I can't give anymore
Well, I can't forget this evening or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way the story goes
You always smile, but in your eyes
Your sorrow shows
Yes, it shows
I can't live
If living is without you
I can't live
I can't give anymore
I can't live
If living is without you
I can't live
I can't give anymore
No no no no I can't live
If living is without you
I can't live
I can't give anymore
I can't live

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