Video per il significato della canzone Under control di Alesso & Calvin Harris

Richiesto da anonimo

Pubblicato 03 novembre 2013

Ultima interpretazione 27 gennaio 2015

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 109 · Annotazioni 0

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I might be anyone
A lone fool out in the sun
Your heartbeat of solid gold
I love you, you'll never know

When the daylight comes you feel so cold,
You know
I'm too afraid of my heart to let you go

Waiting for the fire to light
Feeling like we could do right
Be the one that makes tonight
'Cause freedom is a lonely road
We're under control

We're under control

I might be anyone
A lone fool out in the sun
Your heartbeat of solid gold
I love you, you'll never know

When the daylight comes you feel so cold,
You know
I'm too afraid of my heart to let you go

Waiting for the fire to light
Feeling like we could do right
Be the one that makes tonight
'Cause freedom is a lonely road
We're under control

Waiting for the fire to light
Feeling like we could do right
Be the one that makes tonight
'Cause freedom is a lonely road
We're under control

We're under control

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