Trip the darkness

Video per il significato della canzone Trip the darkness di Lacuna Coil

Richiesto da Rino

Pubblicato 13 gennaio 2013

Ultima interpretazione 13 gennaio 2013

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 391 · Annotazioni 0

Non ci sono annotazioni per questa canzone


What a day
I can barely keep my eyes wide open
I don’t wanna see straight
What a day
Feels like my breath is heavy again
And I’m totally faded

Come to me
Come to me
I am waiting for you
Come to me
I can’t wait

Follow me, follow me
As I trip the darkness
One more time
Follow me, follow me
I awake from madness
Just in time
What a day
Seconds, minutes and hours spill over
There’s no time here in space
What a day
I see beauty in everything
But the world is still fading away

What a day
I can barely keep my eyes wide open
I don’t wanna see straight
What a day
Seconds, minutes and hours spill over
There’s no time here in space

Come to me come to me
Come to me come to me
Come to me come to me
I am waiting for you

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