Video per il significato della canzone Riot van di Arctic Monkeys

Richiesto da Heisenberg

Pubblicato 19 novembre 2015

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Up rolls a riot van
And sparks excitement in the boys
But the policemen look annoyed
Perhaps these are ones they should avoid
Got a chase last night from men with truncheons dressed in hats
We didn't do that much wrong, still ran away though for the laugh, just for the laugh
"And please just stop talking
'Cause they won't find us if you do.
Oh, those silly boys in blue.
Well, they won't catch me and you."
"Have you been drinking, son? You don't look old enough to me."
"I'm sorry, officer, is there a certain age you're supposed to be? 'Cause nobody told me."
And up rolls the riot van
And these lads just wind the coppers up
They ask why they don't catch proper crooks
They get their address and their names took
But they couldn't care less
Thrown in the riot van
And all the coppers kicked him in
And there was no way he could win
Just had to take it on the chin

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