
Video per il significato della canzone No!no!no! di The Cyborgs

Richiesto da ilaria

Pubblicato 18 aprile 2015

Non ci sono ancora interpretazioni, lasciane una tu!

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depth mourning - universe full of pain
agony and hate - inside my head
now i've been caught - locked in this world of rage
world of rage...

i look inside myself - and i see a great deep blank
when i look aroud me - i know we must pay back
pay back...

my soul burns so deep in me
and i feel this agony
as it turns into my rage
i'll hit all your face

to clean our world - we take a hide
to feel our face - we'll kill with pride
in this world of survival
but when we die
without revival

Rage... deep rage... pain... so deep pain...
is what i feel... all what i feel...

what our reasons for these intention?
what our reasons for this suicide?

my thoughts are now exploding
no time more we can't lost
now wake up and open your eyes
or we must kick in your ass

to clean our world - we take a hide
to feel our face - we'll kill with pride
in this world of survival
but when we die
without revival

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