Lucky man

Video per il significato della canzone Lucky man di Radiohead

Richiesto da marcom69

Pubblicato 11 aprile 2015

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Johnny played guitar
And Thom sang the blues
Phil played such a wicked drumbeat
And Colin and Ed kept me amused
We in the Drugstore have
Supported many bands
But no one had a crew as good as you
No one ever made us feel this good
They'll leave you high and dry
And take you to the bends
I feel lucky tonight
And I
Yeah, I'm thinking about you
It's time to say goodbye
The memories we had
Good luck to all of you and
God bless
Bye bye bye bye bye ...
They'll leave you high and dry
They'll take you to the bends
I feel lucky tonight
With a fake plastic tree
In my hand
It's time to say goodbye
The memories we had
Good luck to all of you and
God bless
I don't belong here...

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