
Video per il significato della canzone Icarus di Bastille

Richiesto da vila994

Pubblicato 31 marzo 2013

Ultima interpretazione 04 giugno 2013

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 5662 · Annotazioni 0

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Look who's digging their own grave
That is what they all say
You'll drink yourself to death

Look who makes their own bed
Lies right down within it
And what will you have left?

Out on the front doorstep
Drinking from a paper cup
You won't remember this

Living beyond your years
Acting out all their fears
You feel it in your chest

Your hands protect the flames
From the wild winds around you

Icarus is flying too close to the sun
Icarus's life, it has only just begun
It's just begun

Standing on the cliff face
Highest foe you'll ever grace
It scares me half to death

Look out to the future
But it tells you nothing
So take another breath

Your hands protect the flames
From the wild winds around you

Icarus is flying too close to the sun
Icarus's life, it has only just begun
This is how it feels to take a fall
Icarus is flying towards an early grave

You put up your defenses when you leave
You leave because you're certain
Of who you want to be

You're putting up your armor when you leave
You leave because you're certain
Of who you want to be

Icarus is flying too close to the sun
Icarus's life, it has only just begun
This is how it feels to take a fall
Icarus is flying towards an early grave

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