Freddie Mercury - Time Waits For No One (Official Video)

Video per il significato della canzone Freddie Mercury - Time Waits For No One (Official Video) di Freddy Mercury

Richiesto da Ritadaniela

Pubblicato 18 ottobre 2020

Ultima interpretazione 18 ottobre 2020

Interventi 1 · Visualizzazioni 0 · Annotazioni 0

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Time waits for nobody
Time waits for nobody
We all must plan our hopes together
And we'll have no more future at all
Time waits for nobody
We might as well be deaf and dumb and blind
I know that sounds unkind
But it seems to me
We've not listened to
Or spoken about it at all
The fact that time was running out for us all
Time waits for nobody
Time waits for no one
We've got to build this world together
Or we'll have no more future at all
Because time
It waits for nobody
You don't need me to tell you what's gone wrong
You know what's going on
And it seems to me we've not cared enough
Or confided in each other at all
It seems like we've all got our backs against the wall
Time waits for nobody
Time waits for no one
We've got to trust one another
Or we'd have no more future at all
Because time
Waits for nobody
Waits for nobody
Time waits for no one
Best not to be friends with one another
Or we'd have no more future at all
Time waits for nobody
For nobody, nobody, nobody
For no one

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