Flowers blossom

Video per il significato della canzone Flowers blossom di Thony

Richiesto da anonimo

Pubblicato 28 ottobre 2013

Non ci sono ancora interpretazioni, lasciane una tu!

Interventi 0 · Visualizzazioni 82 · Annotazioni 0

Non ci sono annotazioni per questa canzone


I'm discontented

with homes that are rented

So I have invented my own

Darling this place is

a lover's oasis

Where life's weary chase is unknown

Far from the cry of the city

Where flowers pretty

Caress the streams

Cozy to hide in,

to live side by side in

Don't let it abide in my dreams

Picture me upon your knee

with tea for two, and two for tea

Me for you, and you for me


Nobody near us

to see us or hear us

No friends or relations

on weekend vacations

We won't have it known

That we own

a telephone

Day will break

And you'll awake

And I will bake

a sugar cake

For you to take

For all the boys to see

We will raise a family

A boy for you and a girl for me

Can't you see

How happy we would be

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